Editorial: Welcome to the new edition of “Lo Scalpello Journal”
Dear Friends and colleagues,
It is with immense pleasure that I am writing to you about the release of the first issue of our journal, entitled “Scalpello Journal”.
Although it has been a long, tiring journey, often faced with making difficult choices, we have found the support of the entire Board of Directors and the President of our scientific society.
It is evident to all of us that our profession is going through tremendous and ongoing transformations.
During this time, one of the most critical points will be our ability to equip ourselves with advanced, modern communication tools that are easily accessible to everyone, and above all, that contain relevant scientific data and work pertinent to the times.
In light of this consideration, we have chosen to relaunch our journal, recreating the graphic layout with which it was first born, recapturing the philosophy and values that have always sustained it, and creating a clear path with a focus on providing young specialists with the tools needed for continuing professional education.
The strength of our scientific community comes from our commitment to working collaboratively and having each President within the various hospitals and regions committed to sharing their daily challenges and experiences. Our success in this regard will be dependent on our community joining together and working jointly towards this aim.
As we have all seen, our work is being profoundly impacted, and we are being forced to change the way in which we organize and share information. Even the most basic meetings and conferences, for example, must be conducted much differently than ever before. For these reasons, I believe that having a platform like the new “Lo Scalpello Journal” is extremely important at this moment.
The website and all related links and instructions for publication will be available very soon.
Lastly, let me thank everyone who supported this project, from the Presidents to the Board of Directors, and above all, my personal thanks to our Secretary General, Laura Roberto. Without her help we would certainly not have been able to carry out this ambitious project.
Alberto Momoli
Editor in Chief
Lo Scalpello Journal
Back to the future of a journal, “Lo Scalpello”, which was established in 1971 under the direction of Prof. Calandriello and which, with a new graphic design, an international language such as English, a new publisher and indexing path, accompanies this first issue.
The cover shows the same image that appeared on its debut and, which was even then, published in two languages, Italian and English.
The reason was explained by Prof Calandriello as “...the need for serious professional preparation not separated from an equally serious and rigorous scientific and didactic activity... giving voice to the hospital orthopedic forces and hoping that it will become a vehicle and a gym of ideas, debates, comparisons in order to improve ourselves and with us the Specialty that we represent”.
Prof. Gandolfi also illustrated it in 1989 when the journal was reborn with a very forward-looking and current thought: “Why young people learn to consider culture and professionalism as maximum forms of freedom and as a push to refuse to employ and politicize”.
We welcome, with honor, the new edition of “Lo Scalpello Journal”, wishing it a long and profitable lifespan and to achieve the objectives that the entire O.T.O.D.i. has given itself with this new journal.
Sebastiano Cudoni
Past President O.T.O.D.i.
Mario Manca
President O.T.O.D.i.

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© Ortopedici Traumatologi Ospedalieri d’Italia , 2020
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