Le cellule staminali mesenchimali nel trattamento delle pseudoartrosi
Bone regeneration is a complex physiological process of bone formation, which can be seen during normal fracture healing. However, there are clinical conditions in which failure of the biological processes of fracture-healing is evident, such as with nonunion. Many biological treatments to prevent or treat nonunions are emerging in clinical use, including stem-cell treatment: there is evidence showing that mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) may constitute a potential therapeutic strategy to induce bone regeneration.

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© Società Italiana Ortopedici Traumatologi Ospedalieri d’Italia , 2019
How to Cite
Rizzo, M., Romano, L. and Tammaro, N. 2019. Le cellule staminali mesenchimali nel trattamento delle pseudoartrosi. Lo Scalpello - Journal. 33, 3 (Dec. 2019), 270 - 274.
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