Published: 2018-12-15

Il prelievo delle cellule staminali mesenchimali dalla cresta iliaca

U.O.C. di Orto-Traumatologia, A.S.L.CE Ospedale “S.G. Moscati”, Aversa (CE), Italia
Clinica Ortopedica A.O.U. della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Napoli, Italia
Clinica Ortopedica A.O.U. della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Napoli, Italia
U.O.C. di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, A.O.R.N. “Santobono-Pausilipon”, Napoli, Italia
U.O.C Medicina Trasfusionale, A.S.L.CE Ospedale “S.G. Moscati”, Aversa (CE), Italia


Use of mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow has gained significant popularity. The iliac crest has been
determined to be an effective site for harvesting mesenchymal stem cells. Review of the literature revealed that
multiple techniques are used to harvest bone marrow aspirate from the iliac crest, but the descriptions are based on
the experience of various authors as opposed to studied anatomy. A safe, reliable, and reproducible method for
aspiration has yet to be studied and described.
Connective tissue progenitors (CTPs) from native bone marrow (BM) or their culture-expanded progeny, often
referred to as mesenchymal stem/stromal cells, represent a promising strategy for treatment of cartilage injuries and
other problems of bone consolidation. However, the cartilage regeneration capacity of these cells remains
unpredictable because of cell heterogeneity.
Our experience concerning the aspiration of mesenchymal stem cells from the iliac crest and their use in patients
suffering from chondropathy has given good results, with the use of the sepax2 method for processing and preparation
of mesenchymal stem cells extracted from the iliac crest.


A. Pellegrino

U.O.C. di Orto-Traumatologia, A.S.L.CE Ospedale “S.G. Moscati”, Aversa (CE), Italia

N. Tammaro

Clinica Ortopedica A.O.U. della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Napoli, Italia

M. Conte

Clinica Ortopedica A.O.U. della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Napoli, Italia

L. Romano

U.O.C. di Ortopedia e Traumatologia, A.O.R.N. “Santobono-Pausilipon”, Napoli, Italia

S. Misso

U.O.C Medicina Trasfusionale, A.S.L.CE Ospedale “S.G. Moscati”, Aversa (CE), Italia


© Società Italiana Ortopedici Traumatologi Ospedalieri d’Italia 2019 , 2019

How to Cite

Pellegrino, A., Tammaro, N., Conte, M., Romano, L. and Misso, S. 2018. Il prelievo delle cellule staminali mesenchimali dalla cresta iliaca. Lo Scalpello - Journal. 33, 3 (Dec. 2018), 243-252.
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